November1999 through February 2000


Newton Combs


Comments: Regarding the Indian origins of the O'Odham tribe in Arizona:

I wonder whether you are familiar with the anthropological/linguistic history of the languages Sanskrit and Hebrew: Hebrew, and other Semitic languages such as Arabic and Aramaic, are classified as Indo-European languages, like all the other languages throughout the Middle East and Europe.  (Asiatic languages such as Chinese and Japanese are classified in a different language group.)  At one time, before the discovery of the Sumerian language (which is thought to be older than Sanskrit) and before the discovery of the remains of the Ark (as in Noah's Ark) in the region of Mount Ararat above the Babylonian Plain, it was conjectured by linguists that Sanskrit was the Mother Tongue of all the Indo-European languages, and therefore India was thought by them to be the cradle of civilization.  This is in contrast with the prevalent theory of the anthropologists, who believed Africa to be the cradle of civilization.  Basically, there was a question of whether Egypt or India were the older civilizations.  The aforementioned archeological discoveries in roughly the mid 20th Century shifted the anthropological/linguistic focus to the Babylon Plateau and pinpoints Babylonian civilization as being older than that of both India and Egypt.  (Egyptian hieroglyphics are in some ways similar to Sanskrit; e.g., they share the same symbol for "S.")  It is believed to be more accurate to consider that groups of people originally living in the Babylonian Region migrated southward to Egypt and eastward toward India (as other groups of people were at the same time spreading northward through the Caucasus), thus taking with them (evolving) Babylonian languages which later became the so-called "Indo-European" linguistic group we now recognize.  In other words, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Sanskrit both evolved from a language or languages which originated in the Babylonian Plateau, as did Aramaic, Hebrew and Arabic.  Clearly, Abraham, Patriarch of both the Hebrew and the Arabic peoples, originally lived in a city in the Babylonian Plateau called "Ur" and migrated southward toward Egypt and eventually settled in the land of Canaan, present day Israel/Palestine.  Thus, the Hebrew tribes did not originate in India, they originated in the Babylonian Plateau, as did all the other tribes of Mankind.  The theory expounded by Godfrey Higgins, while interesting enough in its day, has been proven to be erroneous by scientific advancements in anthropological scholarship made since that time period.  You are correct that there are obvious language similarities between Sanskrit and Hebrew; that has been long recognized and uncontested.  Yet, you cannot discount the evidence that Ancient Babylonian Culture is an older culture than that of India (which is also very ancient), and that the people of India originally migrated there from the Middle East.  Take a look at Ancient Persian Art (that which was not destroyed by the Moslems) and note the similarities in the style, as well as the facial and physical characteristics of the people depicted in the pictures.  The people of India are obviously descended from a very ancient lineage, a lineage that once originated in the centralized region of Persia.

Gene Matlock

see article on VZ

Comments: Rebuttal by author, Gene Matlock:

In his History of the Jews, the Jewish scholar and theologian Flavius Josephus (37 - 100 A.D.), wrote that the Greek philosopher Aristotle had said: ".These Jews are derived from the Indian philosophers; they are named by the Indians Calani." (Book I:22.)

Clearchus of Soli wrote, "The Jews descend from the philosophers of India. The philosophers are called in India Calanians and in Syria Jews. The name of their capital is very difficult to pronounce. It is called 'Jerusalem.'"

"Megasthenes, who was sent to India by Seleucus Nicator, about three hundred years before Christ, and whose accounts from new inquiries are every day acquiring additional credit, says that the Jews 'were an Indian tribe or sect called Kalani, and that their theology has a great resemblance to that of the Indians.'" (Anacalypsis, by Godfrey Higgins, Vol. I; p. 400.)

After the death of Alexander, Ptolemy Philadelphus of Alexandria, anxious to place Greek translations of all the books in the known world in the famous Alexandria library, had all the Jewish holy and secular books translated into Greek. Those books became popular with Greeks and Jews alike. Aristeus, an intimate friend of Ptolemy, told him, "...I have learned by particular inquiry both these people and we also worship the same god. We call him, and that truly, Jupiter." (Josephus XII.2.)

Although we have been taught that Jupiter was exclusively a Roman god, and Zeus Greek, the Greeks and the Assyrians also worshipped him as Jupiter. The suffix "piter" just meant "father." "Ju" and "Zeus" (Dyaus) were just variations of "Yah," a fact which proves that all those religions sprang from the same source: Dyaus-Pitar or Ja-Pati (Japhet). In these times, we tend to see Greek, Roman, and Jewish religious practices as entirely different, one from the other. In those days, the people regarded those religions as we regard Catholicism, Protestantism, Mormonism, Islam, and Judaism - forms of the same thing.

During the reign of the Seleucids, Areus, king of the Lacedemonians (the Spartans), wrote to the Jewish High priest Onias: "We have met with a certain writing, whereby we have discovered that both the Jews and the Lacedemonians are of one stock, and are derived from the kindred of Abraham." (Josephus, III.4)

Megasthenes, who lived in India between 302 and 291 BC, wrote in his book Indica, "All the opinions expressed by the ancients about nature are found with the philosophers foreign to Greece, with the Brahmans of India, and in Syria with those who are called Jews."

Now, this is my way of thinking: If the ancients knew the Jews originated in India, people who had access to the grand library of Alexandria, how can we, whom the Moslems so graciously deprived of that unparalleled seat of learning, insist that the Jews just "combusted" in the Middle East? That's the reason for book burning: to confuse people and make them forget about their past - divide and conquer. The Moslems knew that once the people of the world became confused about their roots, they could more easily establish hegemony over the human mind. What's really sad for me is that the Moslems are again on the warpath. Islam is even now a mainstream American religious sect.

Another reason for all this confusion is that we are taught that only us weirdos believe that there were once an Atlantis and a Lanka. India was probably just the major island of refuge for the civilizations that sank under the sea. But right now, India has to be our first stepping-stone. If we leave her out of the picture, we might as well give up.

Also, it's unimportant whether we say Sumer, Shumer, etc. These are just the pronunciations or spellings that people gave when ways of writing and saying the same things were not yet standardized. Here's an example closer to home. When I was visiting the O'Odham, I noticed that differences in pronunciation of words varied from individual to individual. Only now are the O'Odhams trying to arrive at some kind of mutual agreement on how their words should be pronounced. There was even confusion about what the "Nah-Big" really was. Some thought it was a rodent. I got so confused that I ended up accepting the pronunciation for the words used in the article, given to me by an educated O'Odham clerk in the gift shop at San Xavier Mission.




Comments: Regarding the Indian origins of the O'Odham tribe:

We are indeed delighted to know this new discovery. We are extremely greatful to you for unfolding this mystery. This is something that we are all interested in.

I have forwarded this fascinating news to all our members across the globe. I am getting great responses. I will send you some of them soon. I have also forwarded your web address and e-mail. You will receive e-mails regarding this.

The Hindu Universe, Boston, MA

Wilson Lee Tucker, D. MS.


Comments: Dear Friend, I do spirit photography as a hoby and have lectured and taught groups on the subject of the 'Esotric Teachings'. In my book "The Pros and Cons of Psychic Development", I explain how spirit uses 'etheric matter' to manifest their presence on film. I have also written and have a copyright on my latest book "Death--The Gateway to Life", but have not decided on a Publiher as yet. In this book I have inclused several of these pictures. I have found your article very interesting, but my method of picture taking is much more simple, but regardless, spirit photography, any method, is 'fun'.



Comments: Why shouldn't we use Angel Fish in our aquarium when practicing Feng Shui?

Bill Lyne


Comments: I was trying to look up Bill McGlone, and found your sight. I am sad that Bill is gone, because I didn't know that. He once lived in Albuquerque and I met and spent time with him in 1984. I found your description of his work interesting. I also wanted to make a correction in your script. June 21st is the "summer solstice" (not "equinox"), something which has probably already been relayed to you. I was trying to contact Bill McGlone to see if he would be interested in interpreting some Ogam I have photographed in New Mexico. Thanks, Bill Lyne

Donald Whitney


Comments: Viewzone: Thanks for your article on the discovery in Colorado. I was a bit skeptical at first about your claims of Hebrew-speaking people in America hundreds of years BC until I attempted to translate some of the petroglyphs in McGlone's book, American Epigraphy. Although I do not know the complexities of Hebrew verbs, I have been able to replicate your results and make some new translations that confirm your claims.

I am curious why there has not been more public reaction to this discovery? Your evidence is pretty solid and convincing and replication is fairly easy. I would think that this is a major discovery in American and World history and I am puzzled that such a significant "find" has not been picked up by any traditional media or professional journals.

In any case, I applaud you, ViewZone, for making this known and I will spread the word. I also found Gene Matlock's article quite interesting and supportive of your case for cultural diffusion from Asia and the Middle East.

Do you ever plan to publish your material in printed form? Your magazine is an excellent source for otherwise hidden truth and repressed history. Kudos to you and your authors!



Comments: On a recent broadcast of the art bell show a man named robert ghost wolf, and another named danion brinkly talked at lenght about a new discovery made somewhere in middle america. They claim to have discovered tombs that pre-date the native americans in north america. These tombs they claim are full of artifacts of egyptian and european origins. I thought you might want to investigate this claim. Below are websites that concern this claim, including the actual broadcast on which these claims were made. If you listen to the broadcast move the program advance until the left side of the marker is beside the number six counter. This will skip the first hour which has nothing to do with the claim. The other two sites are 1: pictures of these artifacts and 2: ghost wolfs website.



Comments: I checked out the stuff from Ghostwolf and Art Bell's show. The problem with artifacts is that they could possibly be brought to the New World by more recent visitors as their "antiques."

The REAL proof that will help put these objects in perspective in the material found on huge rocks and boulders - like the Old Negev text in Colorado. These can be dated and there is little chance that they were "carried" to their location. Someone ought to tell Art Bell and Ghostwolf about your Viewzone site and your proof! Does anyone out there know how to contact Art Bell?

Thanks again for the truth, Viewzone! Great mag.

chuck mason


Comments: I found Viewzone almost by accident and think that it has a lot of interesting things, so I will bookmark it for future viewing.

But I wanted to comment on Origins of the devil. Which I thought was exceptionally done. But exactly what it means to us when we think of the history of the earth, is something else. We tend to take one story and make it the answer to everything and think of it in terms of an explanation for what we do not understand. We allow stories that were meant to be a general thumbnail sketch of a very complex and lengthy history, to narrow our view of this world to something simple and clear.

The history of the World is not simple and clear, but full of events the majority of which we have never heard of. And the stories of these events relate only a fraction of the entire history of the earth. So what I am saying is that perhaps all of those stories have a little piece of the truth. Perhaps the story of Noah and the story of Utnapishtam escaping from the flood are both true, and along with it, the stories of the Hopi escaping sealed in hollow tubes? And I am sure that there were many events of the escape from the flood that were never recorded and whose oral history is lost to us.

And just as the history of the earth is made simple through the stories that we call legends, so is the concept of Satan made simple by pointing to a single source as it’s origin. It is easier to understand if we believe it started with a few men in red robes rather than examine the concept that it represents.



Comments: Dan Eden's work on Oksana Baiul was very insightful. I enjoyed it very much. Go Oksana! I'm a fan no matter what.



Comments: Thank you so much. Your article is very comforting. I have a question about drop ceilings. I live in a wonderful 95 year old "mansion". I have refinished it room by room. I have six to go, six down. In my bedroom, and living room and kitchen there are still drop ceilings. I'm wondering about the arrow of poison, and have always felt uncomfortable about them. They sort of hover over me, and cover mysteriously this dead space. I am a massage therapist and the room I give massage in is beautiful, sun yellow, with plants, plants, plants. I joke they are growing me out of the room. My business has slacked off, perhaps the season, or my energy. I am uncluttering. I asked Santa for Feng shui to come thru my house for Christmas. I've got four columns in front of my home I have tried to get clematis to grow up for five years, unsuccessfully. I am very intuative, and believe I just need to listen to the things about my home that make me uncomfortable. Like the paneling that has groves in it. Arrows, again. Lots of stuff like that. Your article has been very inspiring, and I hope to tell you wonderful things in the future. I also have fibromyalgia, and am in pain almost constantly. I suspect this has to do with my environment also. The basement keeps coming up, when I wonder where the pain comes from. Thank you again. There's hope, I know. You are wonderful! Astre

John R. Salverda


Comments:    Saved message From: (John R Salverda) Date: Fri, Sep 3, 1999, 7:45am (CST+1) To: Subject: EUROPE, the etymology... Dear Friends,       Please consider the following origin to the place/name, "Europe." The name, that has come down to us through the Greek sources as, "Europa," is a feminized form of the same Hebrew name that comes to us through Biblical sources in it's masculine Latin form, "Jeroboam." (Compare the old Syrian city that is alternately called, Europolis, and Jerobulos, for a simular transliteration.) Jeroboam I was the first king of the northern ten tribes of Israel. This Israel was famously known as a virgin, betroth to God who went "whoring" after foreign gods. It is obvious that the "Virgin Israel" was known to some by a feminized version of the name of it's first king. The evidence for this identification is overwhelming. Jeroboam is famous Biblically, for introducing the adoration of god in the form of a bull; just as Europa did Zeus. The resulting "loss amongst the nations" occurred in both cases. Of course Phoenicia, Europa's homeland lost, is the same place as the land of Canaan, Israel's lost home land. Let us not forget the ancient prophecy, Cadmus was told, when he found Europa he was to return with her; Is not the Bible full of references to this same motif in the claim that Israel will one day be regathered and return? Summarizing, a maiden, the Earthly beloved of god, from the land of Canaan, got "carried away" adoring god in the form of a bull. This resulted in her loss amongst the nations and also of her kin, who represent nations or tribes of Peoples. One day to return to the old homeland, alternately known as Canaan, Phoenicia and Israel. Do the research yourself, the source books are certainly readily available, the conclusion is inevitable; the etymology of "Europe" is ultimately, "Jeroboam." A clue for Cadmus? -John R. Salverda



Comments: I think that this page and all that it contains is a bunch of crap that people with poor faith and spirt try to belive in so that they will look significent while they know deep down inside that none of this bullshit is true.



Comments: Regarding the above message... what was the saying about casting pearls before swine? Enough said.

For those of us with intellect, this site is protein during a drought. Kudos to Viewzone!

Gaines Johnson


Comments: Your site's articles on such things as the Ica Stones and other ancient evidence of advanced, ancient cultures, lend support to the notion that the world before Noah's flood was certainly much different than today. These finding also support the "gap theory" of Biblical creation, that is, that there was a previous world on the face of the earth before the six days of Genesis. I have a site at which deals with the mechanics of Noah's flood, the great time gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, the origin of Satan and death in the ancient past, and the preadamite world. I think you would be interested in reading these materials, as it may help fill in some of the missing pieces of these and other ancient mysteries. Again, you have a great site here. Keep up the good work. Regards Gaines Johnson Christian Geology Ministry



Comments: Regarding the evidence of Asians in ancient North America:

Very interesting!!!
The negation of such observations would make sense in the present political climate for if true the Jews could not claim Israel as their home.?

Have I misread the article?

Regards Bruno

Marty Rawson


Comments: There are two men whose work I was surprised to see not represented on your site. They are Zecharia Sitchin, whose exemplary research resulted in The Earth Chronicles and companion series. His work is so thoroughly researched and documented, that although it fly's in the face of contemporary dogma, traditionalists have tried to ignore his work in hopes he will go away rather than openly debate him and be thoroughly embarrassed by their own inept and short sighted conclussions. His work is a must read for anyone seriously researching the history of our planet, the anomolies of our solar system, the mysteries of ancient earth and the links between cultures world wide. You won't be disappointed if you'll only take the time! The other is a gentleman by the name of Lloyd Pye. His book "Everything You Know Is Wrong - Origin of Species" is an incredible piece of work. This along with his impecable research done on the "Starchild Project" should by all rights set his place beside Sitchin as one of the trully great researchers of our time. Together their works should become in time, a benchmark for serious researchers in the future. I am positive that your readers will be enthralled by these mens works. Thank you, Marty



Comments: RE:the article on the origin of American Indians. Carobeth Laird wrote a book called"The Chemehuevis" which is a California tribe. She traced her husbands family migration back from California, through Canada, through Alaska and over the land bridge, using map overlays. Each family has a family song which narrates this journey. Her husband was lucky enough to remember his. A very interesting book.






Comments: Regarding the comment on Sitchin (above) and the discovery of ancient artifacts and libraries of the Sumerians: Viewzone os well aware of the excellent work done By Mr. Sitchin. Our failure to mention his name in discussing the Enumma Elish and the Atra Hasis were purposeful and intended.

These works of literature are factual pieces which have been independently validated. Although they rely upon Sitchin for their interpretation and publicity, they must not be linked to Mr. Sitchin in such a way that permits their dismissal as "Sitchin's Theories."

These workd and discoveries are more than the work or ideas of one man and so deserve to be exposed as the historical facts that they are and to rest on their own weighted validity.



Comments: Dear Nancy Uon, Thanks for the informative articles on Feng Shui. My living and work space are under one roof which is an A frame wooden house built in the 1800's. Making a few adjustments as suggested has helped. I look forward to reading more articles by you and could you suggest some books? Thanks,Jamie

Michelle Fruth


Comments: Regarding your article on Feng Shui, I had a question is the Pa Kua or BaGua. Is this supposed take place starting at the front door for the Career / Water side or is it directional (North)? My home has the front door on the South side of the lot and that would be the exact opposite. I would appreciate some help. Is the direction or the placement of the front door the starting point. Thank you for your help and the article, it was very interesting. Michelle

Jane Kiyabu





Comments: How about researching the Wingmakers in New Mexico. Very interesting website at but am anxious for any newer updates.

R. G. Thatcher


Comments: Gene Matlock's data about India is very convincing. So that'w where the Israelites hung out for a few centuries before moving on up and over the Caucasian Mountains and across to Europe. I do want to read more, though. How might I get a copy of his book.

R. G. Thatcher


Comments: I just read everyone else's comments. I have read all 8 of Zechariah Sitchin's books plus Lloyd Pye's one book. Totally fascinating. This last weekend I met Mr. Sitchin and asked him about Mu (Lumeria) and Atlantis. He didn't mention them onece in his works. He didn't try to skirt the issue, but it is not his field of expertise. He is a scholar of the Sumer language, and leaves the above subjects to other experts. He chose not to say more. His career choice, I guess, is controversial enough without adding Mu and Atlantis to the pot. Both men were at the meeting in Houston. Lloyd Pye's book just adds more to the subject. I'm a believer in what they say, and I find no contradictions with the Bible, even. Both these author's help explain the actual "physics" of how man came about. I feel enlightened! I am simply a truth seeker.

R. G. Thatcher


Comments: Gene Matlock's data about India is very convincing. So that's where the Israelites hung out for a few centuries before moving on up and over the Caucasian Mountains and across to Europe. I do want to read more, though. How might I get a copy of his book?



Comments: This is in response to the article, "Devil Lived" First the author misspells the word, "NEFILIM" the correct spelling is, "NEPHILIM" Secondly the author obvipusly did not do enough research on the article because he misrepresents the creation of the first man and woman. I quote, "Since early Hebrew has multiple meanings for the phrase "ti," meaning both "rib" and "life," the creation of A-dam by Nin-ti yielded to the errant story of the first man being created by Eve's rib." He has failed in his research in one part. A very important part. He claims that the Biblical account states that A-dam was given life from Eve or that A-dam was created from the rib of Eve. Now any competent theologian knows that whatever translation of the Bible you go with it is Eve who was created from the rib of Adam and not vice versa. Other than these two inaccuracies I think that the article is a good one.



Comments: I`m new with feng-shui, I would like to learn all thier is about feng-shui to help with my Personal life and my families Business. If you can help me Please e-mail me. Thanks Maria and family



Comments: Would you have any info on 'The Dogman'I believe they were and Indian tribe.



Comments: I think an excellent topic for study would be people. We carry so much information but we leave it unexplained. Do you think it would benefit us if we found a way to bring our sciences together. Metaphysicians, psychologists, and scientists all have a different yet similar outlook on dreams. Is it so highly debated that they haven't thought to connect all this information? Or religion, as another example, is also very the same in many ways, but in many ways contradicts itself. This is all over the world, not just one religion, but many various religions. I think this would be a good topic for this page. Sincerely Steph



Comments: Greetings, Can anyone here give me links or offer sources of evidence that the origin of the Celtic tribes was the northern side of the Caucasus mountains around the 7th century BC? Or can anyone offer refutation of this idea or proof of another source? Thank you, Craig

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